Have you ever wished for a sounding board when considering career and personal decisions? What alternatives or opportunities are you considering? In short, what's going on at work that keeps you up at night? Having choices can be very exciting...and sometimes overwhelming. With an advanced degree in counseling psychology and experience as a career counselor, Jenny Schade has been a resource for executives, managers, individuals and business owners. She provides advice that helps professionals make business decisions in areas of short and long term professional growth. Examples include managing employees, interacting with supervisors, creating or reorganizing departments, contemplating/launching new ventures and gaining support for initiatives. The JRS Sounding Board
SM program includes access to Jenny Schade via telephone and email for 30-day renewable increments, and personal meetings when geographically feasible.

"Using Jenny as a sounding board for my business, from new product ideas to decisions about strategic direction, has been incredibly helpful. Jenny is an excellent listener and uses her experience in counseling to hear what I am really trying to say. She combines this with solid business experience to offer advice that is appropriate and meaningful. I also speak with Jenny about how different professional decisions affect my personal life, which is a great way to keep a balance that is focused on my overall goals."
- Aimee Markelz
Talk, Inc.